FAQ about Colonoscopies



  • Before your procedure, after the intravenous has been placed, the doctor will interview you and go over your medical history and any symptoms you may be having.

    At this point, please feel free to ask any questions that you would like answered. After all your questions have been answered and you are comfortable, the procedure will begin.

  • Clear liquids include water, tea or coffee without cream or milk,

    Clear broth, sport drinks like GatorAide, clear soda like 7-UP or Sprite or light ginger ale, Jello and popsicles are okay as well.

    You should refrain from alcohol when doing the preparation. And yes, we know that patients have asked if Gin and Vodka are clear fluids, but they should never be mixed with sedation.

  • Someone needs to accompany you home because your judgment can be affected for up to 24 hours after the completion of the sedation. There have been rare cases where unaccompanied patients after sedation have injured themselves and even walked into traffic. If you do not have someone to accompany you home we will not give you any sedation. It is for your own benefit and safety.

  • You need a referral from your family doctor. Your Doctor can print out the referral from the “FOR DOCTORS” page on this website. Once the clinic receives the referral, someone from the office will call to schedule an appointment.

  • Please see the “Contact US” page for our address and Directions to ONE

  • After you have been discharges, your ride can pick you up right at the front entrance for free. Remember, you need to know the person picking you up and this CAN NOT be a Taxi, Uber or Lyft.

  • Sedation can impact a person’s judgement and coordination. We highly recommend a full 24 hrs of rest before returning normal activities. This does not apply for a Sigmoidoscopy done without sedation.


Clear broth is a great clear fluid

At ONE, we love questions! The better informed you are about your prep, procedure and aftercare, it reduces your anxiety and makes the procedure go smoothly. Below is a list of the most common questions from our patients to make things easier. However, if you still are unsure about a concern you have, don’t hesitate to contact us.